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How can we helpyou develop yourcollection?

To ensure we deliver the highest quality apparel possible we have a process put in place.

1-  Firstly we have a consultation with you where you present your ideas, providing us your designs and/or tech pacs. We also discuss your brand’s market positioning which will help us determine the type of materials that we need to source, the budget for the whole production and how much you want to sell each piece for. 

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2-  We then offer our expertise in labour and handcraft to find the right factories and the people with the right skills. Once these have been selected, we can negotiate the best deals which will help determine the total production cost and give you an idea of how much you will be selling each piece for. 


3-  Now we can move onto sample production. During this stage we can review sizing, fitting and the quality of the materials before starting the whole production. We can also source salesman samples in order for you to obtain pre-orders or attend trade shows. 

4-  Once the samples have been approved we can start the full production. During this stage we will be working closely with the factory under strict quality control to ensure there are no defects. 


5-  It's time for packing now that the production is finished and quality control has been conducted.  We will schedule the factory pickup so that everything may be delivered to the address of your choice.

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